First Macross custom in the world to have been equipped with a triple Super Pack
Heavy-duty fighter, inspired by his ancestors of the Second World War, this unique aircraft is the VF-1Z (Z for Zerstörer, Destroyer), apparatus for attacking and eradicating enemy
air forces with devastating firepower and Additional shielding to protect them.
problem of VF-1, whether A, D, J or S, is the meager firepower available. This problem had to be solved.
For that, the VF-1Z was endowed with:
- Stronger wing structure that make it able to carry twice the normal load of a standard VF-1S.
- 2x boosted motors HRS at 135% compared to a standard VF-1.
1x standard
55mm Gunpod Howard GU55G, modified by the addition of a FSM Gatling system with eight high
velocity barrels with a reserve of bullets in a modified Fp
arm pack.
- 1x Triple Super Strike Pack (TSSP), which gives an unprecedented firepower (two double strike guns and a micromissile or three micromissile pack) and an unusual acceleration on a device of this
class, with boosted FP components on Forearm and legs.
a slight overhaul, the central booster of the TSSP can receive a MiniMacross particle gun.
- 2x
HVBFG (High Velocity Big Firing Gun) 90mm Gatlings, carried under the wings on standard pylon with folding sticks for main armament in battroid mode, the GU55G becoming a last
resort weapon.
- 2x ammunition boxes containing 5 minutes of fire for each HVBFG, each box supporting 3 lateral racks including 2 with standard attachment for carrying standard ammunition of the
in addition to the number of ammunition basket points that has been increased and become mixed Rack / LRM (36 missiles)
10cm thick ADARM (Additional Armor) armor sheets, riveted on the sides of the cockpit and on the battroid's front plate to better protect the driver and main computers against 1,2 & 3 impact
2x Stunsticks of the same type as those of the Duster Duck are carried on the leg on two hardpoints capable of carrying other heavier weapons as well.
- 2x
dedicated pylons for supporting on each 2 LRM baskets with 20 units each, 8 refills per HVAAR (High Velocity Anti Armor Rocket) on the side of the HVBFG ammo racks.
Also present are:
- 1 removable shield
generator behind the left leg
- 1 removable jammer behind the right leg
- 1 jetboost per leg to improve thrust.
His Speciality ? Look at my cabin and you'll know it ...
break Zentradii!